Our Core Values
What kind of family are we?

Our Measures
What kind of family are we working to be?

I apply the Bible to every area of my life in a practical way.
I am daily spending time with God in His Word and in prayer.
I listen and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading throughout my day.
The fruit of the Holy Spirit is evident in my life.

I show love and offer forgiveness to everyone including my enemies and those who are not like me.
I am able to resolve conflict biblically and do not hold onto bitterness or grudges in my relationships.
I reach outside of my comfort zone welcoming new people into my life.
I use my God-given influence to positively affect others for Jesus and His mission.

I live with conviction and vitality in all I do, giving my best for Jesus.
I live intentionally because I know my purpose is to bring glory to God and live for His kingdom, not my own.
I know my spiritual gifts and use them regularly in service to Jesus in my local church.
I am dependable and consistent in my service as I maintain healthy spiritual disciplines.
I take initiative and lead others to engage in the mission.

I put God first in my finances, cheerfully giving the first of my income to my church in tithes and offerings.
I am a wise manager of all my possessions, talents, and resources knowing that everything I have belongs to God.
I practice spontaneous generosity, blessing others when God leads me, believing by faith it is more blessed to give than to receive.

I use every opportunity I can as a means to influence and train those coming after me in ministry.
I intentionally plan times of connection to influence others positively for Jesus.
I share my faith consistently seeking to win others to Jesus.